Collection Notification Statement – Human Resources / Careers

Stafflink Pty Ltd (ACN 626 030 742) and its Related Bodies Corporate (having the meaning given in Australia’s Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) (Stafflink, we, us or our) is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and their personal information and complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

Please read this carefully as it will have important consequences for you in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information you provide to Stafflink.

You understand that:

  1. Stafflink is collecting your personal information and can be contacted by email at [email protected], by phone on +61 7 3778 6267, or by post at Level 4, 2 King Street, Bowen Hills, Queensland 4006.
  2. Stafflink will collect your personal information directly from you. In certain circumstances, Stafflink may be required to collect personal information from third parties such as, your financial institution, superannuation fund, referees, medical service providers or emergency services, our contractors, suppliers or other companies who may be involved in the services provided by Stafflink.
  3. Stafflink is collecting your personal information for the purpose of your employment or engagement with Stafflink, including but not limited to:
    1. processing your application for employment or engagement;
    2. to assess your suitability for employment or engagement with Stafflink, including by conducting background checks, reference checks, criminal history checks;
    3. to confirm your eligibility and qualifications for work in Australia;
    4. for dealings related to the employer/employee relationship or the contractor/principal relationship (as the case may be), including payment of salary or wages, superannuation payments, leave entitlements, and considering or assessing requests for medical leave;
    5. to provide a safe working environment;
    6. monitoring systems, performance and time usage and internet usage;
    7. to facilitate the administration and management of Stafflink;
    8. communicating with you in relation to your employment or engagement with Stafflink; and
    9. any other activities which are reasonably necessary in relation to your employment or engagement with Stafflink,
      and you acknowledge and agree to your personal information being collected and used for, and in connection with, these purposes and any other purpose described in our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy.
  4. In some instances, we may collect personal information from you which is unsolicited. To the extent reasonable (and in Stafflink’s absolute discretion), we will delete or de-identify any unsolicited personal information that is not required. In the event that the unsolicited personal information collected is in relation to potential future employment with Stafflink and it is determined by Stafflink (in its absolute discretion) that it may consider you for potential future employment, Stafflink may keep the personal information on its human resource records. You acknowledge and you agree to your personal information being collected and stored by Stafflink.
  5. If we do not collect this personal information in connection with the purposes in paragraph 3, then:
    1. we may be unable to process your application for employment or engagement with Stafflink;
    2. depending on the information omitted or not provided, we may be unable to perform activities in connection with your employment or engagement, such as processing your pay or invoice, superannuation or leave entitlements (as applicable); and
    3. you may be unable to commence your employment or engagement with us.
  6. Your personal information may be disclosed to the following classes of people and organisations in connection with the purposes in paragraph 3:
    1. directors, officers, employees or contractors of Stafflink;
    2. service providers (including IT service providers) who assist Stafflink in delivering our services;
    3. our related bodies corporate (including related entities);
    4. government agencies, including but not limited to the Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink, Child Support Agency, and other government departments;
    5. third parties who assist us with conducting any background checks, pre-employment screening; and
    6. third parties in connection with the sale of all or any part of a business or a company owned by a Stafflink entity;
    7. any other organisation set out in our Privacy Policy.
  7. It is possible that some of the information collected may be disclosed to Stafflink’s related body corporate or service providers outside of Australia. You consent to your information being disclosed to and held at, a destination outside Australia for this purpose, including but not limited to countries in the European Union or the United States, where we utilise third party service providers to assist Stafflink with providing our services to our customers. You understand and acknowledge that Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 will not apply to such disclosures of your personal information.
  8. Stafflink’s Privacy Policy sets out the process as to how you can access and correct any of your personal information collected under this form as well as to how you can make a complaint if you believe that Stafflink has breached the Privacy Act in the handling of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy is available at Privacy Policy – Stafflink Pty Ltd or can be otherwise be obtained by requesting a copy from Stafflink.
    By continuing with your application, you indicate that you have read this collection notification and acknowledge that your personal information (including sensitive information) will be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with this collection notice and as otherwise detailed in Stafflink’s Privacy Policy and, to the extent it is necessary, that you give your voluntary express consent to Stafflink collecting, using, storing, disclosing and disposing of your personal information (including sensitive information) in this manner.

Please note: The privacy collection notification statement is not a term of your employment contract and is not contractually binding on Stafflink. It is a statutory prescribed document under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and will apply in connection with your employment or engagement with Stafflink.