Become a leader in the tech space by streamlining your Real Estate Agency with the new Snug integration from STAFFLINK.
Integrating Snug into your day to day operation means everyone wins. It will make your people’s jobs so much easier, by taking a huge workload off their backs and allowing them to focus on what they do best. Which is looking after their clients, tenants and landlords alike. Benefits include:
- Increased productivity & time management
- Reduce data entry
- Excellent Notifications for everyone involved
- Integrates seamlessly with STAFFLINK processes
Over the past eighteen months the demand for rental properties around Australia has skyrocketed, with record low vacancy rates leading to an increased number of applications per property in a much shorter time frame.
While this leads to many great candidates being available for landlords to choose from, it means the expectation and demands placed on Property Managers have changed; there are now more phone calls, emails, and applications to respond to, with many feeling overwhelmed and struggling to get back to each and every applicant.
Coupled with the increased communication touch points, the Property Manager also has to complete due diligence on each application.
This starts with applications being entered into their Property Management software, where there is often double handling and the chance of human error that comes with data entry, and is followed by the checking of Snug rental references, applicant employment status & history, their blacklist status, etc.
All of this takes place prior to recommendations being put forward to the owner and the back and forth communication that happens there.
These applicants may have applied for multiple properties at one time, so there’s always the chance that some of this data is being handled many more times than is necessary.
All of these tasks and the increased competition for rental properties has made Property Management more time consuming and demanding than in previous years, meaning your staff need to be at the forefront of communication and leasing processes to ensure top quality service.
What does Snug do to improve this process?
Save Time on Data Entry
One of the biggest benefits from using Snug is the ability to reduce the amount of applications requiring manual data entry or double handling.
This can assist offices in going paperless and also avoid applications being sent in via email – both of these methods require significant time just to enter the data into your Property Management software (with the risk of human error always being present).
By simply reducing the process of data entry, you could cut the property application time in half for your team.
This data that has been provided directly from the applicant can integrate directly with The Hub and your existing systems with STAFFLINK, bringing large scale benefits across the board to the owner, the property manager, the applicant, and your offshore team member.
Better Workflow & Process
Snug provides constant updates to the applicants from the Property Manager with the click of a button, including a notification to the successful applicant once they’ve been approved. For those who have missed out, they will also receive an update on the status of their application, allowing them to continue on their property search.
Applicant Profiles
Profiles are created for all applicants within Snug, meaning their references are displayed from their current rental property, their previous rental property, and their employer.
This information is made available if they then apply for another property; simply put, if they’ve already been vetted there is now no need for these checks & processes to take place again, saving valuable time for all involved.
For Owners/Landlords
Owners will always want to know how many applicants they have for their property, and by law, the owner must be the person approving or declining applications.
By making use of the great applicant profile feature containing their references, history & blacklist status, a Property Manager can now collate that information within three clicks to send a summary of the application (with references) through to the owner via email.
From this email, the owner can click on and approve or decline applications almost immediately. The added benefit is that as soon as the owner has approved an applicant, the property status will change to owner approved. Using the Snug integration from STAFFLINK, this automatically updates the status in The Hub, creating full visibility for the Property Manager.
The biggest benefit of this process is that an Owner can view and approve an application without the need for a phone call, an email or a follow up.
For Applicants
Applicants can now see where things are up to through the online portal, reducing the need for phone calls & emails to find out where their application is up to. They will also be notified if there’s anything required from their side to improve on or allow their application to proceed. For example, if a document is missing or extra information is needed.
For those who have been successful, they’ll be notified that they’ve been approved and can arrange for the payment of their holding deposit.
For unsuccessful applicants, they are notified as soon as the property has been marked as leased, allowing them to quickly make decisions about their next steps in finding a rental property, rather than waiting hours or days for an update on the property status.
Open For Inspection Planning
Another top feature within Snug allows you to have someone plan your OFIs (Open For Inspections) online. Oftentimes within an Agency, somebody will spend time manually creating those runs, then sending emails back and forth to confirm it will work out on the day.
The Snug process saves time by collating area and distance to plan the schedule. There are options available to recalibrate the run for those who wish to start in a specific suburb on the day.
Paper Applications
Rest assured, if you are an agency that still accepts paper applications, there are quick and easy functions that allow you to upload a paper application into Snug. Not only does this reduce the paper in your office, it also creates the applicant as a Snug contact and kicks off the modern and seamless communication process.
Book a free demo of the Snug integration from STAFFLINK.
Book a demo with the STAFFLINK team today to see how you can improve your application processes with Snug!